Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Seven days and nine fingers left!

Today we have been working on the guest house. It really has come along since we have been here. Our apartment is the only one left that is unfinished. Connor spent the majority of the day working on the ceiling. He is putting up a drop down ceiling using boards cut by the sawmill. Tomorrow it should be finished. While he is doing that, I have been using a router and table saw cutting strips to cover the gaps between the ply board walls. I start by rounding the short side of a 1 by 8 and then ripping it down with the table saw. Well today I had a little "accident". I was ripping on one of the boards and it got into a bind. The board jerked and my thumb went right on the blade. I cut it from from the pad of the thumb all the way over the tip and into the nail. So now it is bandaged up and really throbbing hard! I am having to type out on my iPod with just my pointer finger on my good hand. Mrs. Rachel was working the clinic today so I dropped in for a visit! She cleaned it up and said she would take a look at it tomorrow to see if it looks like we are gonna need stitches. She thinks (and I really hope) that I'm not going to need it. Looks like I've got "7 days and 9 fingers left" on this trip!

Bro. Matt is starting to feel better. Mrs. Lena gave him a antibiotic pack today and he has been on the anti-malaria medicine for a day already. He's still getting the fever and then chills every half hour or so but not nearly as bad. I got to talk with him some this morning while it rained about PNG. He really helped give me an idea about flying cost as well as other major things about living in the jungle.

Well I need to get going. We have church in an hour. Just wanted to give y'all a injury update. Somehow now I have to figure out how to get the blood off the guest house floor...


(Don't have a weak stomach? Go look at Collin's thumb here.)

1 comment:

  1. Dear Collin and Connor,
    Just wanted to give YOU an update. The old woman with all the gray hair picking you up (or what's left of you) at the airport next week...well, that would be ME!
    We love you and do I even need to say it...BE SAFE!
