Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Traveling Update

At the beginning of this blog, we are flying across the Pacific at about 3:30 in the morning back in TN. I have had an awesome time in PNG. To think that God gave me this opportunity to come, that I was able to visit with a pilot, and also that two of my closest friends were also able to come. I have learned many things on this trip that will help fine time my long term goals of flying, school, Bible training, etc... in preparation for the mission field if God should call me. But that's another story for another time... Here is a rundown of our return to the states.

On Sunday we had our last service in Kotidonga. It was a bitter-sweet service. We said our "good byes" to everyone that evening because the "plan" was to leave at 5 the next morning for the airstrip so at dawn we could depart. We ate supper with all the Allen's and fellowshipped with them until 9 o'clock that night. 

On Monday, we got up and loaded up in the Kawasaki Mule and then we realized that one of the tires had a massive bulge in it. Not wanting to risk a blowout, we borrowed Bro. Jon's little Toyota. The Toyota fired right up and we loaded everything from the mule into it, and then Bro. Matt turned off the engine. Bad idea!!! Every time that truck got used while I was there, it didn't function properly! They think the fuel filter was clogged up and so Andrew and Matt are laying in the dark with flashlights trying to take apart the fuel filter on the soaking wet ground. Finally we just loaded everything in the back of the little mule (the first one they had in PNG) and took off. There was only one problem, only two people could ride on that mule! So four of us walked. Matt and Connor took the mule and went to preflight the plane and take some fuel out (due to weight restrictions) and Mrs. Becky, the girls, and I walked. Actually it was more like ran! Bro. Jon held the record for "fastest missionary to get to the airstrip walking". I think they said he did it in one hour and 20 minutes. The whole reason I walked instead of Connor was to see if I could beat that record! It seemed that the girls had planned to try to wear me out on the first part by power walking at almost a jog. Hannah (the 11 year old) is VERY competitive and had to make everything that happened a competition with both Connor and me. I just couldn't let myself get beaten by a girl. So I cheated... Sorta! I lagged just enough to make them slow down for me and then on the hill I took off running. Then they ran and we went back and forth; I would run out ahead and then they would run out ahead. I ended up beating Bro. Jon's record by less than 10 minutes! The girls were not far behind. We loaded up in the plane and headed for the coast where we refueled before the leg to Moresby. On the way to Moresby, Matt pointed out a World War II plane that had been crashed in the swamp lands. Once we finally made it into Moresby, we headed to the Mapang guest house. It was a nice, little place that was a LOT cheaper than the hotels! The rest of Monday was spent shopping supplies (mainly groceries) with the Allens. I was shocked at some of the prices of certain foods that in the states I take for granted. I also was surprised by some of the items for sale! We saw lambs heart, assorted fish heads, and a can of pure MSG. I'm not kidding.

Then on Tuesday, Drew flew back in to meet up with us. Now I need to stop here and explain some things for you. Bro. Matt rented a Toyota car. So there are seven people riding around in this Corolla. The four oldest in the back with Matt driving and Mrs. Becky holding Hannah. I thought we were crowded till they told me that they rode in a car the same size with Faith and the three that came on a trip! That had to be tight! So when there are roadblocks, we shuttled people, making two trips tiger us all there. On one of the shuttles or maybe when they went to pick Drew up, I can't remember, Bro. Matt asked me to go with the girls into this grocery store. I thought that was strange but he said he would explain later. I soon found out that it was a very rough area and he wanted me there just in case someone tried to mug us. That wasn't the mostt encouraging thing I had heard that day! Anyways, we were okay and had no problems. After we dropped Drew's bag off at the guest house, we had some pizza and headed for the market. That was a very interesting event. Just imagine a 100 people wanting to well their stuff to you and your two buddies and that's what it was! We had bags and masks and bows and baskets all over the place. We got a few things and then, thankfully, got out of there. After we got back to the Mapang, we left to meet missionary John Gray and a Jim Green for supper. We had a nice time and the food was awesome. We ate in the mall at Port Moresby called Vision City. It was a little pricy but really good. After we left there; we headed back to the house and packed up for today. 

This morning (Wednesday), we left for the airport at around 4:10. Ever sense then we have been in an airport or the air. By the time you read this, we will be on the state-side of the pond with a juicy, greasy, BK whopper!!! No more airplane lamb for us, thank goodness! Once again, I would just like to say thanks to all who have prayed for this trip, to my church that loves missions, and to my God for giving me the desires of my heart! I can't wait to get back and share the stories. God's been good.

I meant to send the previous blog in LAX but the wifi there was terrible. So the next part was written between LAX and Dallas. 

We have had a smooth trip so far. Everybody's bags showed up in LAX so that was good. I was nervous about my bow and arrows coming through. I used about half a role of tape on it and the box I wrapped it in was still holding up so hopefully it'll hold together to Nashville. The one guy that asked me about it didn't seem to have a problem. My cell phone had one bar of battery left on it after being shut off for almost a month so we called our parents for a quick update and to talk with them. After we go up to altitude, Drew pulled out his laptop and we watched some preaching since we missed the services tonight.  Bro. Dick gave him a bunch of Shady Acres Camp Meeting DVDs. Some of the things on them are hilarious! If everything goes right, we will be landing at BNA just after 11:00 to tonight.



  1. It is 2 am as I write this. I just dropped Drew off at his house and the boys are FINALLY upstairs making WAY too much noise-I'm soooo thankful for the noise being back!
    To listen to the three of them chatter on the way back from the airport will be one of the best memories of my life!
    Thank You, Lord for Your blessings!
    ~one grateful Momma
    Ps. Collin's actually missing part of his finger!!!! But they felt it "best" not to share that information until they got home!!!!!

  2. Glad to hear y'all had a good trip! I can't wait to hear more about it!!! Can't wait to see y'all!!!
