Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Update from Drew

Well, we got back from the Mullins a little while ago. We had a great time. On the map it looks like a short trip, but it took us about two hours. They have one main road that will go a long ways. Well, its really the only road. There are a few small ones and the rest is just dirt and mud. Anyway the main road is horrible. It has pot holes about every five feet and a lot of the main road is just broken off with mud replacing it. So it was a miserable 2 hour drive!

Bro. Ted lives at an even higher altitude than Bro Dick with the third highest mountain there. We got there Saturday evening and met some of the church folks then went back to the house and called it a night.
Sunday morning, Bro. Dick preached the Sunday School and main service. Bro. Dick is very animated and illustrates a lot when he preaches. For instance in the main service he poured water on his head, laid out on the ground, proposed to a women, and finally drew a picture of a pregnant lady on the chalk board. I won't explain what all he was illustrating that for but it was funny. It really was though a good service and God showed up. It  was a good ending to the revival.

After the service, we all walked down to the creek were a man was baptized. The whole church came down, and Bro. Ted later told us that was a big thing for the man that got baptized because of his influence
and his past.

We woke up Monday morning and some nationals took Bro. Ted, Bro. Dick, and me down to a ridge were we saw a big waterfall that ran down between these two mountains. It was beautiful and we had a good time.

When we got back to the house, Bro. Ted and Bro. Dick got out a map of PNG. Bro. Ted showed me where he used to work down on the coast and told me stories about his ministry there. He told me how there were people way back in the bush he never could reach. They told me the highlands, where they work now, is called the wild west because the people here are so lawless. We also looked at pictures of their work over the past several years. They told me some of their past stories and experiences. We had a great time.  

This Thursday Bo. Dick and me are going to a new area. We are going to go down the house line, witness to the people and invite them outside where Bro. Dick will preach to them. He has never been to this area before so it will be a great opportunity. Maybe someday, a church will be started there.

My luggage has never made it. It got mixed up in Dallas and got stuck in with Southwest luggage. So they are holding it in Dallas until Mount Hagen or Port Moresby airport contacts them. Well, neither of the
PNG airports have called which is not surprising and the woman in Mt. Hagen had to ask what my bag looked like for the one millionth time haha, so I will probably pick up my luggage in Dallas. 

Well I will go, thanks Conerstone, the teens, and everyone else who have been praying, and please pray for the new area we are going to Thursday.


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