Wednesday, March 20, 2013


As you probably have heard we all have finally arrived safe and sound in PNG. Drew made it to the Harrelson's place but still doesn't have his luggage. Connor and I arrived safely here in Kotidonga on Monday and he left with Bro. Jason Ottosen to help build Jason's home on the other side of the river. It is a 12 hour walk to his place but only a 7 minute flight! I have been amazed at just how much time Bro. Matt can save with the plane. I was able to see Connor today when I was flying with Bro. Matt. He looked a little tired but said he felt fine and has been having a good time with Bro. Jason. They had a rat get into their food supply last night and they have plans on catching it tonight. I didn't tell Connor that there are over 50 different kinds of rats here . . . and that some of them weight over 3 pounds! We will be going to pick them up Friday and bring them back to Kotidonga. Connor was a little winded when he got to the airplane (the building is a 30 minute walk from the airstrip) and he said that the trail was still a little wet when he was hurrying down to see us. As he turned around, I could see why! His whole backside was muddy from a fall that must have resembled a water coaster!

Yesterday I wasn't able to fly with Bro. Matt due to extra people showing up that needed a ride so I waited back with the "expert weather man" Ben. Ben is a Bible school student who will be graduating next year in January. He understands English well enough for us to converse. We hit it off good and now he is always coming up and saying "awi" or "kafina" (hello). He has introduced me to several of the Kameans and Kotidongans. (Just as a side note right here, Kanabea is where Bro. Matt keeps his plane and Kotidonga is where they live. He is working on a airstrip closer to his home but till it's finished he will be leaving his plane out at Kanabea.) I really look forward to getting to be better friends with Ben . . . especially if he keeps forecasting good weather!

We are leaving out every morning that we fly between 5:00 and 5:30 so Bro. Matt can preflight the plane before daybreak and be off the ground by first light. It is about a 45 minute ride on a "good" PNG road in a Kawasaki Mule. This was this morning's scenes. 

We had a very good day and Bro. Matt completed 7 legs on flying before we knocked of for the day. One of the airports we landed at was a short runway (only 1100 feet) with a dogleg in it! It was quite the interesting landing strip. 

On the way home from Kanabea airstrip we stopped on a ridge so Bro. Matt could send some SMS and calls to others about logistics of the next few days. While we set there a few kids walked up and after we shook hands I had the opportunity to get a quick picture with them before we headed home. 

We had services tonight that went really good, even though I had no clue what they were hearing. Andrew (one of the TTMK guys) preached. I'll be blunt and say it's different, but it was neat to watch those folks hearing preaching in their own language. I think one of the little guys thinks that I color in my Bible from the different color underlining I have in it! After church we had Mrs. Becky's dad's chili and were gonna get an easy rest of the night off but I guess there is just no telling what is gonna happen over here! 

We were eating and Brother John came in and said that some one had broken his arm. Evidently a boy was chopping wood and slipped, fell, and pinned his arm under his body! Tomorrow he has to make the 2 hour walk to Kamea for some more help but Mrs. Lena and Mrs. Rachel (Andrews wife who is a helper in the clinic) splint it up good enough for the night.
I think tomorrow we are not flying, but rather I may spend the day with Brother John Allen working on tok pigin. It is amazing how much English is intertwined with pigin and how quickly you can begin to "comprehend" it. I would say understand because right after they say it I couldn't repeat it, but I knew what was said. Not in every case of course, but surprising how many times it happens! Well it's been a long day and I need some sleep so Gut nait! 



  1. Getting pictures with the update is so exciting! The picture with the kids is my favorite. :) It took me and Amie forever to figure out what the last picture was of - for everyone in the same boat as us, I believe it's a picture of the little boy's broken arm.

    I'm looking forward to hearing how Connor's trip went, and if you're getting to fly any. (How does that work in PNG with your American license?)

    It looks like Papua New Guinea is turning out to be everything you hoped it would. :) So happy for you - we're praying for y'all!

  2. Collin, sounds like you are having the time of your life. (Hope Connor can say the same thing!). Don't forget to wear your travel pack as you go out into the bush and fill it with the candy for the kids!!!! Daddy and I are so excited for all three of you! Be safe! Love, Momma

  3. Connor...and a rat? OH, NO!! I'm loving your posts, and I'm hoping you're having a great time. Love, "Miss Lu Lu"
