Friday, March 15, 2013

They're Off!

Flying off like Superman!

Waiting at the Nashville airport. Be safe, guys! 

(P.S. This is Kelley posting, I'll be keeping this blog up-to-date whenever they don't. :) )


  1. Just so you know...Bro. Dick Harrelson's advice to the boys, "If you get lost in the jungles of PNG, just rip off your shirt and show them the S on your chest! The natives think all Americans are "superman!". Sooooo, the boys decided it couldn't hurt to go prepared!!! ;)

  2. Lol well we at Antioch are sure praying for y'all! Have a safe trip!

  3. So excited for you guys!! Can't wait to see more updates :)

  4. Praying for you guys! Can't wait to see all the updates!!

  5. This picture made me SO excited - y'all are actually leaving! I can't wait to hear more about the trip :)
